title: UFO: A Deadly Concealment, The official coverup author: Derek Sheffield publisher: Blandford Book, UK published year: 1996 275pages 内容: 1990年、ドイツとベルギーの4つのNATOレーダーステーションは、時速1600kmで西ヨーロッパを横断し、英国の空域に侵入した三角形の飛行物体を追跡しました。公式の文書にもかかわらず、政府は事実を否定し、証拠を隠蔽した。本書はベルギーと英国の両政府により公式に記録されている本事件に関する事実を明らかにする。著者の主張は、英国艦隊の提督ヒル・ノートンにより承認されている。 In 1990, four separate NATO radar stations in Germany and Belgium tracked a 1000mph (1600kph) triangular-shaped flying object across western Europe and into British air space. Despite official documentation the governments concerned denied the facts and concealed the evidence. This book presents the facts about the incident which has now been officially recorded in Belgian and UK government records. The authors claims have been endorsed by UK Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Hill Norton.
title: UFO: A Deadly Concealment, The official coverup
author: Derek Sheffield
publisher: Blandford Book, UK
published year: 1996
In 1990, four separate NATO radar stations in Germany and Belgium tracked a 1000mph (1600kph) triangular-shaped flying object across western Europe and into British air space. Despite official documentation the governments concerned denied the facts and concealed the evidence. This book presents the facts about the incident which has now been officially recorded in Belgian and UK government records. The authors claims have been endorsed by UK Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Hill Norton.